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interdisciplinary critique

Spring 2009

Course #608

J. Andrew Salyer

On Attempting Negative Capability

Performance and Installation
This performance takes its title from a concept by 19th century romantic poet John Keats, negative capability. I will allow a quote from Keats to describe this term: “…I mean Negative Capability, that is when man is capable of being in uncertainties, Mysteries, doubts without any irritable reaching after fact & reason.”
The artist sits on a chair in front of a 42″ industrial fan away from, but aimed towards the corner of a room. Three and a half feet of blank letter-sized white paper with a heavy rock on top flanks both sides of the large fan. During the performance the artist takes small stacks of paper from the large piles and with a blue ink pen draws a simple cloud form on each side. The artist then releases the paper, without watching, so that the wind from the fan takes it in an uncertain direction. The artist continues this action and always looks either forward or down, but never behind, in the direction of the paper.

© 2023 by Laurie Beth Clark

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