Laurie Beth Clark
University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor of Art (4-D).
For more information, visit
O Ecclesia, Oh Baby
9′ x 7.5′ x 4′
Insulation foam, string lights, meringue icing, paint, glitter, Barbie Dolls, wood dowels, adhesives. //
The pieces pictured are all part of a series entitled “Miserere for a Megachurch.” They are mixed media sculptures that deal, each in different ways, with the marketing methodology of American Protestant Christianity. “Bloom, Teen Bible for Girls,” the first in a series of four, tackles the repackaging of the Bible for specified audiences and the assumptions about both product and consumer that such repackaging makes. “O Ecclesia, O Baby” is an attempt to question the validity and effect of marketing the church. The piece recasts the Biblical and art historical female personifications and figurations of the church. The piece “Miserere for a Megachurch,” is at present in progress and will eventually form the heart of an installation that will complete this series.