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independent study

Spring 2007

Course #999

Katrina Riesing


mixed media
(wall, house paint, collage, sharpie, white-out, ball-point pen, furniture)
As I wrote in my evaluation, I wanted to create an experience of art, one that transcended a typical relationship with art by immersing the individual in the art. I am attempting to do this by covering the surfaces of my studio with art work, translating my 2D work directly into, and onto, the space. The imagery within the space is essentially a collage of different references to pop culture, mainly from magazines, that interact, yet often contradict each other: violence and peace, organic and inorganic, public and private. These dualities often resolve themselves in absurdity and dark humor.
I became interested in using these pre-existing spaces because of there eccentricities and their built in history, using marks on the wall to help dictate an image or idea. I intend to finish creating this experience by incorporating lighting that will help transform the space even further and also sound.

Laurie Beth Clark
University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor of Art (4-D). For more information, visit

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