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independent study

Fall 2013

Course #999

Dominique Haller


The word feminine is written in blue ballpoint pen ink on a sheet of latex and repeated hundreds of times. The writing evokes rhythm and pattern; the relentless repetition of the word amounts to an investigation of its surface and its meaning. The feminine “block” is interrupted by an outburst of sentiment, or rather, the negation of sentiment: The words “I don’t care”, repeated over and over, form a second block of writing in the lower third of the piece. The latex sheet acts both as a fabric and a skin-like surface. The piece is wedged between two wooden slats covered in blue ballpoint pen ink. Gravity pulls at the latex and folds the material in forms that hint ever so subtly at the figurative.

Laurie Beth Clark
University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor of Art (4-D). For more information, visit

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