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independent study

Fall 2014

Course #999

J. Myszka Lewis

10.17.14 [home, work, studio, home]

This piece is a sample from a larger body of work invested in collecting lint, dust, and dirt from surfaces and objects that hold a presence in our everyday environments. The adhesive lint roller sheets create abstract drawings of the surface the lint and dirt is collected from and the environment the surface resides in. This specific piece is two lint roller sheets that were used to collect the lint from all of the clothes I was wearing at two separate moments in a day (one at the beginning of my day, and one at the end). The piece as a result is a drawing of the residue of where I went and what I did on this particular day. The series that this piece comes from as a whole creates a subtle story of my daily routines and patterns, as told by my clothes, the shield that I put up between myself and my environment. These slightly colored swatches of lint, hair, dirt, and grime are each a collection of bits and pieces of things around us that are constantly falling apart as well as evidence of the clothes themselves falling apart.

Laurie Beth Clark
University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor of Art (4-D). For more information, visit

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