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independent study

Spring 2014

Course #999

J. Myszka Lewis

100 Attempts (Expounding Absence)

cut Tyvek, nails, and light
Approximately 4′ x 18′ overall
This piece is an installation of 100 pieces of paper, each with a different translation of a block of text cut out of it (approximately 35 languages are included overall). The text is excerpted from Judges 14:14 and one of the English translations reads, “Out of the eater came something to eat, out of the strong came something sweet. And after three days they still could not explain the riddle.” This piece investigates not only the typical understanding of translation as it relates to languages, but also explores the process of translation as moving something from one form to a different physical form, material, or location and the results of that type of translation. This piece also deals with themes relating to consumption, vacancy or absence of meaning, and the use of text as a tool to create visual pattern or decoration.

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