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independent study

Spring 2014

Course #999

Katie Aspey

Rise over Run

Katie Elizabeth Apsey performs in Rise over Run, a site-specific dance work choreographed by Li Chiao-Ping. While completing a reading independent study with Laurie Beth Clark on the subject of performance studies in preparation for her PhD preliminary comprehensive exams in art history, Apsey was able to apply her theoretical explorations to her practice as a dancer. Choreographed on-site at the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, Rise over Run uses movement to examine how architectural space and framing of various places influences the performances of identity, the directions of academic/scientific research, and the behavior embodied in these spaces/places. Dancing for the Li Chiao-Ping Dance Company gave Apsey a practical way to think through her dissertation research on the performance of minoritarian identity within museum spaces.

Laurie Beth Clark
University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor of Art (4-D). For more information, visit

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