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independent study

Spring 2020

Course #999

Closed (from Anomalies)

This image, Closed (from Anomalies), was gathered through the practice of randonauting: using a quantum random number generator to derive a set of coordinates and then journeying there to document anomalies. Starting from my home on the east side of Madison, I built a chain of attractor-points by generating each successive coordinate from inside the last. I paired this rigid adherence to the algorithm with a highly intuitive search for perceived anomalies at each site. In my adventures, I came across many spaces previously unknown to me despite their vicinity to my neighborhood, and found that I arrived at each locale with my senses heightened and a kind of radical presentism akin to mindfulness. Advocates of randonauting claim this methodology can help break us out of behavioral loops and discover new reality-tunnels. I hope that viewers’ endeavor to make meaning out of these seemingly disparate juxtapositions mirrors my process of exploration and image-making.

Laurie Beth Clark
University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor of Art (4-D). For more information, visit

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