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Jamie Landry

My Room (Seven Years Prior) is an installation in which I rearranged my current bedroom to create a scene from my past. I have always had a large collection of materials that I’ve been saving for the simple reason that these objects are things I just can’t get rid of. I used these materials and placed them throughout my room strategically so that viewers would could get a sense of the type of person I was seven years ago. The content of the materials reflects my time in a maximum security adolescent mental unit where I stayed as an inpatient for three weeks diagnosed with depression and anorexia nervosa. The goal of inviting people into this space was so they could get a sense of the state of mind I was in seven years ago. Viewers were invited to come into my home and spend as much time in the space as they wanted. They were asked not to move or touch anything in the bedroom.

Laurie Beth Clark
University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor of Art (4-D). For more information, visit

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