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Erin Jones

Erin Jones

My project and research dealt with the topic of nostalgic space. My research encompassed our ideas of nostalgia and the different spaces that it occupies in our lives. My approach was exploring first the physical space of nostalgia, the things (i.e. souvenirs) that trigger this emotion and collections of these things, emphasizing the idea of nest building. And secondly, the mental space, the mythical, past space that a person dwells in when recalling nostalgic memories. My project was an attempt to illustrate the mental and physical forms of nostalgia through mixed media sculpture. My snow globe display was intended to symbolize the souvenirs that act as catalysts for nostalgia while simultaneously housing old photos, captured moments, that had taken on a life of their own in their attempts to be preserved. My ‘cocoons’ were meant to be embodiments of the idea of preservation. Both sculptures were meant to deal with the ambiguous nature of nostalgia, the impossibility of preserving the past, yet the instinctual desire to try and recreate it as a way of enduring and moving on.

Laurie Beth Clark
University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor of Art (4-D). For more information, visit

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