Laurie Beth Clark
University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor of Art (4-D).
For more information, visit
Scott Shapiro

Universal life force is a part of us all. We are from the womb that supports our every movement, idea, thought. The universe is our womb from which the earth is given life to support living and breathing forms. The roof over my head, whether it be shingles or stars I am of the womb. These life experiences that we all come from make us one in the same, living breathing beings. In my art performance “Womb Dance” I allow the spectator to become from the womb. Allowing the creativity of the spectator flow and reach into their own personal experiences within their time in the womb. The spectator becomes the movement of the working body of art. “We enter into other people’s lives; we rediscover a past, which is not ours, yet, which is recognizable. To give space, a life, a place, a spirit-to someone, to another, to those who become spectator.” (Kabakov 35) Womb dance is composed in a black box theatrical space. Stage lighting creates a mandala of light focusing on warm colors on the perimeter and cool colors representing water in the center. The wombs are made of white spandex for movement and for reflection of the light in the space; they also incorporate a stretchy birthing canal for exit of the womb. A soundtrack of birthing chants empowers the feeling of “Womb Dance”. This is done in a room that is very warm and the scent of sweet grass is burned for spiritual essence.