Where do you feel rooted? After the passing of my father, I'm the only person in my family living on this hemisphere (my parents immigrated). I have no children and no life partner. After closing up my childhood home, I now own boxes of photos of relatives I don't know, all from the "old world." What do I do with them? I'm curious to talk to people who don't have the traditional template of family, are estranged, or are otherwise feeling disconnected from their place on the planet. In my garden, we'll share ideas of home, family, security, and belonging.
Most Wednesdays:
July 21, 28
August 4, 11, 18, 25
September 8, 15, 22
One-hour time slots from 3-6pm
Outside in Monona.
After signing up, you will receive an email with the specific address.
One person may sign up per hour (so, three people each Wednesday).
Participants are invited to share how they relate to the idea of family, and how they may or may not feel rooted on this planet. Participants are also invited to share photos of family members they don't know.
The events will be outside. If there is inclement weather, I'll host inside. No mask required indoors or outdoors if participant is vaccinated. If participant is unvaccinated, a mask is required both indoors and outdoors. The location is not wheelchair accessible.
No formal request, however participants are invited to donate to the Dane County Immigrant Assistance Fund (https://www.madisongives.org/immigrantassistance).