Growing Season
In January, we removed five diseased blue spruce trees from our backyard. In May, I planted three-inch pots of big bluestem, red milkweed, and a few other plants in their place. Come see how the garden grows. While you're here, join me as I water my dissertation research. I will be reading selected texts by the singular feminist writer and performance artist Deb Margolin, garden-side. After the reading, if you're in the mood, we can hang out for a while and talk about the autobiographical nature of everything, prairie grasses, desire, acidic soil, or writing while mothering.
Zoe Cohen
Zoe Cohen writes and gardens on Madison's north side.
More about the artist(s)
More about the TEAM
Tues June 29: 11:30am to 12:30pm
Tues July 27: 11:30am to 12:30pm
Tues August 24: 11:30am to 12:30pm
Tues September 21: 11:30am to 12:30pm
Zoe's backyard, located on the north side of Madison.
After signing up, you will receive an email with the specific address.
This is a casual and conversational performance. Chatting is encouraged by not required before, during, and after the reading. Up to four people may attend each performance.
There is not a paved path from the street to the backyard, only grass.
Masks will be optional for those who are fully vaccinated.